Glasgow Tigers raid Silverware from Poole Pirates

By Joshua Stewart

The Glasgow Tigers were rewarded with their 920 mile round trip with the championship title as they backed their first leg triumph to win the Grand Final 95-85, despite losing the second leg 47-43.

Glasgow Captain Chris Harris won his side the trophy after winning the 13th heat, breaking the Poole Pirates stronghold grip after winning back-to-back league and cup doubles.

The tide of blue that usually saw glory at the end of the year wasn’t enough to overturn the 14 point deficit from the Monday night defeat across the border.

Despite being roared on by more than a 1000 home fans, it was the travelling few that cheered the loudest at the end of the night.

Some fans had flown down from Glasgow that day, and their effort saw them join in with the team’s celebrations as they witnessed their team’s first ever Speedway GB Championship.

Rider Lee Complin, speaking after suffering a crash that prevented him for racing for three heats as he recovered, said “we have had a lot of ups and downs this season. Its about the team effort. When one of us has a bad meeting the others will pick them up.”

It has been a long time in waiting for the new champions as after new owners Gerry, David and Peter Facenna had taken them to three 2nd place finishes in the last five years, but never quite being able to reach the top podium.

The Poole Pirates cut desolate figures as they received their second-place medals before watching the team they beat in last year’s final lift the trophy.

They will need to pick themselves up quickly though as they travel to Scunthorpe on Monday to contest the Division 2 knockout cup.

With their home record remaining intact, Poole can hold onto the fact that they can still end their season with silverware.

You can watch the video report here: