Solent Redhawks rookie seeks swift return from injury

Solent Redhawks running back Nick Williams standing in front of a fence at Test Park.

SOLENT Redhawks rookie Running back Nick Williams is set to return to action next week after picking up a knock in a friendly scrimmage.

He picked up the injury after a heavy tackle in the team’s win against local rivals Southampton Stags.

Williams felt some pain after the contact in the face-off and thought that he could return to action after a few days.

However, he soon realised he needed to rest a bit longer, which saw him sidelined in training last weekend with minimal involvement.

Williams will be looking forward to joining back up with his teammates and fellow rookies as they prepare for the upcoming competetive season, which starts at the weekend.

The rookies are feeling good about the sport despite having to adapt to the tactics and the physicality it brings.

All rookies will be hoping to gain valuable minutes in the games and will want to learn from the surrounding veterans.

Williams will be hoping he can get a few snaps under his belt when the Redhawks face Oxford Brooks Panthers on Sunday in what is anticipated to be a close battle.