University of Southampton advocates for inclusivity within cricket

THE University of Southampton cricket society is one of the most popular societies they offer, but it isn’t just all about cricket.

There are roughly 100 members, coming from a range of backgrounds with varying degrees of ability, something that makes it an appealing opportunity for newcomers, and a chance for returning faces to continue to advocate for their society.

Club captain Conor White says they have no problem recruiting new players each year.

He said: “We have a really good uptake from that [bunfight fresher event], we normally get about 70-80 freshers sign up.

“Transitioning them over to members means we lose a few, but it’s a really good uptake and we had about 50 sign up, which was really good for us.”

Although winning is always the aim, the fun side of it is just as important for those on the committee. There is always a chance to play, no matter your ability.

The social secretary Ben Smith explains why someone should join the society. He said: “Inclusivity, fun socials, everyone gets put in the team and everyone gets drafted.

“Everyone who’s not playing comes down, sits on the balcony and watches, drinks, and hurls abuse, so its always good fun!”

From indoor games between teams within the society, to outdoor matches against other teams and universities, it caters for all.

For the full package, clink the link below: voiceover – Jamie Somerville. Edited by – Nathan Rawlings