Sports Journalism students attend SJA Journalism Awards

Second year Sports Journalism students at the SJA awards

LAST night 16 Sports Journalism students from Solent University attended The SJA British Sports Journalism Awards at The Park Plaza, Westminster.

Surrounded by some of the best of the best in the field of Sports Journalism, they sat down for a three course meal to celebrate those who are the best at their craft over the last year.

Many awards were handed out, with some of the students watching their favourites in the Journalistic field win for their work.

Before sitting down for dinner, there was the chance to go round and talk to like-minded people, it was there were a couple of students found commentator Peter Drury and a few others.

Just before the awards dinner started, Jamie Carragher came over and said hello, leaving a few students a bit starstruck, I mean who wouldn’t?

Before the starters and mains a couple of awards were handed out, like the SJA Academy award and Ones to Watch in broadcast and writing.

Starter consisted of a beetroot and feta tart with a selection of fruit which to some went down a treat and to others not so much, but each to their own.

Main course also came out before the next ‘batch’ of awards, the main was a beef and potato dish with added vegetables and this was definitely more popular than the starter.

In between main course and dessert, was more awards being handed out, awarding all television, radio and written projects.

Mark Chapman took home ‘Presenter of the Year’, 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup Final – ITV won ‘Television Live Event Coverage’ and well loved Ian Wright took home ‘Pundit of the Year’.

After that batch of awards, it was time for dessert – Hazelnut Dacquoise.

Again like the main course, us students enjoyed the dessert, I mean we are students we don’t eat lavish dishes like this often.

After the last dish was some very important awards, the ones most people could have been looking forward to.

The Canon SJA Sports Photographer of the Year was awarded to Justin Setterfield of Getty Images who also took home with him the Football Portfolio.

Adam Crafton of The Athletic won the SJA Sportswriter of the Year and Sky Sports took home for the second time in a row Sports Content Organisation.

After the awards were all given out, we went and met a few other people there, Karen Carney being one of them.

There were many other awards that were handed out throughout the night – Congratulations to all winners.

Overall, the night was thoroughly enjoyed by all of us students and we are already looking forward to the next one at the end of the year.