Local MMA fighter prepares for first bout

MICKEL Young, from Southampton, has started training for his first fight, with the bout taking place on December 10th.

The 19-year-old has recently transitioned from playing basketball for the Solent Kestrels, to Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and he is currently in the second week of his eight-week training camp to prepare.

The transition isn’t a conventional one but it is something he has enjoyed, even though he has had to change his everyday lifestyle.

He said: “I’ve had to change certain food I eat, making sure I eat healthy, whole foods.

“Training wise, more cardio. I don’t like running but I’ve added it! But now I have a flushed out programme that I follow.”

He is yet to be assigned an opponent as this fight is for charity and he will be paired up with someone closer to the date.

The charity he has decided to raise money for is the Great Ormond Street Hospital as he believes ‘kids deserve a second chance’.

He said:” When I was scrolling through my lists of charity’s on JustGiving, i didn’t really have a particular one i wanted to choose so i picked my own one.

“I chose the Great Ormond Street Hospital because I think kids deserve a second chance and that’s why I decided to fight for them.”