End of an era at the Solent Redhawks

It was an end of an era for the University team this week as the team played their last game in Varsity as graduates and it was considered as a an emotional time as the graduates bid a farewell to the Redhawks.

They played their last game against Chichester which was 14-7 at half time but in the end the Redhawks won 21-13 in their final game together in last game for Varsity.

Former Solent Quarterback turned Linebacker for Chichester Rohan Milner was excited to return to his former home as he said ” It is was pretty pleasing to back with some of the boys”.

Despite the feeling of disappointment due to their season, the Redhawks ensured that players who wore the jersey for the final time received the best send-off they could get.

At the start of the season they had hopes of promotion or at least play offs but they failed to even get playoffs.

With the season over the Solent Redhawks will be looking to overcome ds=disappointment of this season push for playoffs or promotion next season with a new group of players coming through.