Balancing sports whilst being at university

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, social life and being a top student at university can be a tough challenge for everyone.

Discovering how to manage times for the educational purposes and active lifestyle, especially being an athlete, and avoiding getting overwhelmed with the deadlines and physical tiredness to avoid sensitive topics like depression and anxiety.

Some Solent university students who often meet up to play 5-aside weekly explained how to keep a balanced life in university, Diogo Andrade, a sport journalism student at Solent University tells how he handles time management at university and with an active social and physical lifestyle like organising a gather at the pub after every match with the intention to distract themselves from all the heavy load of mental work and physical.

Josh Pourzanjani, who is a Solent illustration student , is a player from Saint Francis Men on Saturday afternoon tell us about how to stay on top of his university grades and playing professional football at the same time, taking care of his social life and mental health as it is really important to keep awareness of mind fatigue.