Totton’s Santa Fun Run raises lots of money for charity

HUNDREDS of Santa lookalikes raced across the streets of Totton in aid raising money for 5th Testwood Scouts.

An incredible £3000 was raised for the charity from which they aim to use on developing the local hall that the Scouts group use.

All types of people joined in, lacing their trainers and setting off on either a 2.5km dash or 5km run, with everyone collecting a medal at the finish line, followed by a Christmas Fayre.

Totton have been hosting the fun run since 2016, bar 2020 due to Covid-19 but instead ran a virtual Christmas fayre and raffle, they aim to carry on the tradition for many years to come.

This is all possible thanks to our amazing volunteers who number over 140,000 who give their time so our young people can play their part in society. We believe that Scouts changes lives so we want more people to volunteer so we can team more young people skills for life.

Steve Osbourne – Group Scout Leader for 5th Testwood Scouts

Scouts teach young people skills for life. Girls and boys of all ages between 4-25 years make friends, grow their confidence, find their path and build the practical skills which support you through life like first aid, social action and making the most of the outdoors.

About Will Hewlett

If I am not playing sports, then I am watching it. If I am not watching it,then I will be dreaming it. If I am dreaming of it then I might as well be writing about it !

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