Solent University has started a weekly event in which both students and lecturers can both compete, keep moving, build connections and ultimately – have fun.
The Sports Management students lead sessions every Monday in the Solent Sports Complex in order to build and strengthen bonds between students and lecturers, keep mentally and physically healthy and feel part of a group of like-minded individuals.
What sport is it, I hear you ask? Well, it’s perhaps not one you’ll be expecting as the students chose to host Walking Football.
Although looked down upon compared to regular football, walking football still allows players of all ages and fitness levels to get involved, enjoy sports and keep active.
The weekly event, held between 17:00 and 18:00, is accessible for all, and doesn’t require you to be a super-athlete.
Myself, Millie Payne, Chloee Geddes and Freddie Dorman got involved, and I have to say it is proper hard work! We definitely worked up a sweat.
Take a look below, as Millie Payne and Freddie Dorman report on the scene, as we hear from the organisers and participants to really measure its impact.