Marseille vs Lyon Postponed Match Rescheduled Following Bus Attack

The Ligue 1 clash between Olympique Marseille and Olympique Lyonnais, which was abandoned before kick off after an attack on the Lyon team bus, will take place on Wednesday 6th December which fans in the stadium.

Lyon manager Fabio Grosso suffered several facial injuries following the attack and was hospitalised from the rocks thrown by Marseille supporters.

Italian manager Grosso has stitches on his left eye.

Social media images showed a blooded up Grosso and Lyon president John Textor told Prime Video that he had “shards of glass in his face.”

His assistant Raffaele Longo was also struck by projectiles at the time of the incident.

Initially, the club wanted to continue to play the game but the opinions changed once they saw the state the manager was in both physically and mentally.

A Lyon statement said that it “regrets that this type of situation occurs every year in Marseille”, whilst Marseille stated that it “deplores the unacceptable incidents.”

The French League (LFP) have confirmed that the match will take place at 9pm local time (20:00 GMT).

Marseille currently sit ninth in the table whilst their heated rivals are rock bottom of the table in 18th place, with Lyon failing a register a league win all season after 10 matches.