Lewis Hamilton commits to Ferrari for 2025

7 Times world champion, Hamilton has decided to have one last season with Mercedes before taking his talents to Scuderia Ferrari.

Joining Mercedes AMG Patronas in 2013 he has won the drivers championship 6 times.

When Hamilton decided to leave Mclaren in 2012, there was similar outbreak questioning why.

However this choice shaped his career in a very successful manor.

And off the track has succeeded by earning a Knighthood, crowning him Sir Lewis Hamilton, for his motor sporting achievements.

Announcing a season early leaves Formula 1 fans wondering how this next season will shape up for the silver arrows.

Will George Russel take the lead driver position, and Hamilton to be sidelined?

Similarly over at Ferrari, what will happen to Carlos Sainz and who will he be driving for in 2025.

Most speculate that the spaniard with join Audi when they enter the competition.

Here is a feature exploring it more, presented by Luke Newman.