The worlds fastes growing sport comes to Southampton

PADELSTARS has opened a branch in Southampton with four indoor courts and two outdoor courts now on offer to the public.

To have a go yourself at PadelStars Southampton click on the link:

Padel is a mix of squash and tennis and is growing vastly in popularity especially in the UK. The growth of Padel has been down to celebrity endorsement with David Beckham, Stormzy and Andy Murray all advocates for the sport.

The reason for its rapid rise can also be put down to the fact its cheaper than other sports, much easier to learn and can be played all year round.

Solent University tennis player Gabriel O’Keefe is someone who balances tennis with his love for Padel says the sport is growing due to it’s practicality.

He said: “The basic skills are much more easier to pick up, you’ve got a smaller court and the walls around you, make it more forgiving and anyone of all ages young or old can take part. The cost is also much more affordable, with tennis you’re looking at £20 to book a court but with Padel a bunch of mates can pay £5 to have a hit.”

Watch our video below to find out more:

By Nathan Williams, Jasper Rowland, Cameron Jarvis and Max Freeman.