18-year-old snooker sensation looks to turn professional

OLIVER Sykes is an 18-year-old snooker player from Hampshire and is looking to turn professional in the near future. Currently he is a full-time amateur player.

Oliver has recently played at an amateur snooker tournament in Albania, where he managed to make the quarter-finals of the tournament. Soon he will be travelling Bosnia & Herzegovina where he will look to move a step closer to becoming a professional.

The young prospect has played at a lot of tournaments over the past two years and believes that he has gained a lot of experience from the one’s he has participated in, going on to say: “I’ve competed in a lot of tournaments over the past couple of years, competing in the Europeans was really tough where I came up against some tough players from around the world i think i played some French player who’s a really good player.

“I managed to beat him 4-2 so I’m coming up against really good amateurs who sometimes at their best, look like they should be on tour so i’m just trying to get to that next step and hopefully get on the professionals.”

Sykes became interested in the sport when his grandad began to take his older brother Daniel to tournaments around the country and since then, he has fell in love the sport.

The 18-year-old sensation will normally spend four to five hours a day practising by himself, but eventually he finds it quite boring training by himself. However, if he was doing practice matches against someone else he feels that he could play all day.